Empowering New York’s Asian American Community Since 1989

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of us live in


— nearly 2x the rate
of white New Yorkers.


of us and


of our seniors have


— which means it's hard for them to access the help they need.


ages 65+ have the


among all racial groups.


of us are








in New York City.
These businesses


...and generate nearly


in economic activity.


AAF produces research reports and briefs to draw attention to the needs of Asian American communities. These publications aim to encourage policymakers to make changes that will allow the Asian community to get essential services more easily. Using data and research to tell the story of our communities also helps to unite people around issues that affect their everyday lives.  Unfortunately, the Asian community continues to receive very little government funding compared to mainstream groups. We hope our reports will help city agencies, public and private funders, and the media to better understand us and our needs.

Our recent reports and briefs have highlighted Asian American employment, poverty, voters and their impactseniors, mental health services for Asian New Yorkers, contributions and challenges of Asian small businesses, and city government funding for Asian communities. All of them are free and can be easily downloaded from this site.


Data Center Logo

Asian American Federation
Data Center

This Data Center aims to bridge critical information gaps and provide a first-of-its-kind platform for in-depth analysis on the Asian American community.

Census Information Center


Learn about New York's
Asian Americans:
Learn about the neighborhoods that
Asian New Yorkers call home:
More than Just Strategies: The Lasting Impact of the Hope Against Hate Campaign

More than Just Strategies: The Lasting Impact of the Hope Against Hate Campaign

Asian American Federation

This brief evaluates the impact of AAF’s Hope Against Hate (HAH) Campaign from January to December 2023. Drawing on feedback from participants and Community Companion volunteers collected between November 2023 and February 2024, it highlights the campaign’s effectiveness and explores ways to enhance support for New York City’s pan-Asian community. Read more about the survey findings.

The Growing Influence of Asian Voters: A Case Study of Congressional District 3

The Growing Influence of Asian Voters: A Case Study of Congressional District 3

Asian American Federation

Comparing results of the General Election of 2022 and the Special Election of District 3, 2024

The Hidden Poverty of the “Model Minority”

The Hidden Poverty of the “Model Minority”

Asian American Federation

Asian Americans in New York City have complex and varied economic challenges that are best understood and addressed by acknowledging that the community is not a singular, monolithic entity, but rather one that has diverse experiences, cultures, and socio-economic circumstances. It is only then that we can begin to dismantle some of the inequities that have adversely affected the community’s progress.

Assessing Impact of AAF’s Hope Against Hate Campaign

Assessing Impact of AAF’s Hope Against Hate Campaign

Asian American Federation

In response to the surge in anti-Asian violence, AAF launched the Hope Against Hate Campaign in 2021, our landmark initiative to bring immediate safety to Asian New Yorkers. After a year of implementation, community members were surveyed in multiple languages to evaluate the impacts of the Campaign. Read more about the survey findings.

A Case Study of Assembly District 49

A Case Study of Assembly District 49

Asian American Federation

Examining the factors behind the loss of Assembly Member Peter Abbate’s seat of 36 years to Republican Lester Chang.

Astoria: A Vibrant Immigrant Commercial Hub Held Back by Lack of Government Support

Astoria: A Vibrant Immigrant Commercial Hub Held Back by Lack of Government Support

Asian American Federation

A survey of 100 Asian small businesses in fast-changing Central Astoria reveals the top concerns of business owners.

Chinese in NYC: A Profile

Chinese in NYC: A Profile

Asian American Federation

A detailed profile of Chinese Americans in NYC.

Koreans in NYC: A Profile

Koreans in NYC: A Profile

Asian American Federation

Between 2015 and 2020, the Korean population in NYC shrunk (-5.4%) faster than the City population (-0.6%).

Indians in NYC: A Profile

Indians in NYC: A Profile

Asian American Federation

Indian population growth (+3.0%) between 2015 and 2020 was slower than the Asian population (+6.8%). In contrast, the City population shrunk by 0.6%.

Vietnamese in NYC: A Profile

Vietnamese in NYC: A Profile

Asian American Federation

Between 2015 and 2020, the Vietnamese population in NYC grew (+8.9%) at a faster rate than the Asian population (+6.8%).

Japanese in NYC: A Profile

Japanese in NYC: A Profile

Asian American Federation

Between 2015 and 2020, the Japanese population in NYC shrunk (-3.6%) faster than the City population (-0.6%).

Filipinos in NYC: A Profile

Filipinos in NYC: A Profile

Asian American Federation

Between 2015 and 2020, the Filipino population in NYC grew by 5.2%, a slightly lower rate than the Asian population (+6.8%).

Asian Languages in New York City

Asian Languages in New York City

Asian American Federation

In recent decades, Asian Americans have been the fastest-growing racial and ethnic group in New York City.

Asian American seniors, immigrants, those with less education, hit hardest by COVID-19 related job losses and poverty in New York City and State

Asian American seniors, immigrants, those with less education, hit hardest by COVID-19 related job losses and poverty in New York City and State

Asian American Federation

Asian American FederationThe 2020 American Community Survey (ACS) released by the Census Bureau in January provides an important opportunity for us to take a snapshot at how Asian Americans have struggled with unemployment and poverty during the COVID-19 recession both […]

State of Change: Asian Populations Transform New York

State of Change: Asian Populations Transform New York

Asian American Federation

Asian American FederationThe release of 2020 Census redistricting files gives us our first opportunity to explore demographic changes for Asian Americans in New York over the last decade. This brief examines Asian American population growth and shifts in cities, towns, […]


Bridging the Gap: Policy Recommendations for Improving Asian American Mental Health Services

Bridging the Gap: Policy Recommendations for Improving Asian American Mental Health Services

Recommendations to policy makers, legislators, funders, and the City of
New York to help them make informed decisions on how to advance equity and
inclusion in mental health policies and practices for Asian New Yorkers.

Toward Better Aging

Toward Better Aging

This report aims to fill this gap by providing a thorough and pioneering analysis of Korean American seniors based on in-language surveys and focus groups conducted across 7 study areas.

Seeking Help, Finding Hope

Seeking Help, Finding Hope

Asian Americans are one of the fastest-growing populations in the US and in New York State and City, but they have been largely ignored by the mental health system. They tend to use mental health services less often than other groups, which leads to a lack of research on their mental health needs and challenges.

One Million and Counting:
Asian Population Grows in New Jersey

One Million and Counting:
Asian Population Grows in New Jersey

This report provides a fresh perspective on the rapidly emerging Asian population in New Jersey.

One in Six:
Asian American Growth Fuels Challenge and Opportunity in New York City

One in Six:
Asian American Growth Fuels Challenge and Opportunity in New York City

With one in six NY’ers identifying as Asian, this report analyzes this transformation.

Connecting to Power: The Growing Impact of New York City’s Asian Voters

Connecting to Power: The Growing Impact of New York City’s Asian Voters

A report on how Asians – the fastest-growing voting bloc in NYC – are reshaping the City.

Restarting New York’s Economic Engine: Tapping the Strength of Asian Businesses

Restarting New York’s Economic Engine: Tapping the Strength of Asian Businesses

Asian-owned businesses have long been the New York metropolitan area’s economic engine, accounting for 20 percent of all businesses before the pandemic.

Alone and Afraid: The Outsized Impact of COVID-19 on Asian Seniors (2022)

Alone and Afraid: The Outsized Impact of COVID-19 on Asian Seniors (2022)

The Asian American Federation’s Seniors Working Group (SWG) consists of 12 organizations who serve approximately 125,000 low-income seniors annually.

Hidden in Plain Sight: Korean American Poverty in the New York Metro Area

Hidden in Plain Sight: Korean American Poverty in the New York Metro Area

This supplement to our 2021 report, Hidden in Plain Sight: Asian American Poverty in the New York Metro Area, examines the changing demographics of Koreans living in poverty.

Hidden in Plain Sight: Asian Poverty in the New York Metro Area

Hidden in Plain Sight: Asian Poverty in the New York Metro Area

The number of Asian Americans living in poverty increased by 15 percent over the last decade in the New York metro area, from just over 252,000 in 2010 to almost 290,000 in 2019.

Small Business, Big Losses: The Impact of the Covid Crisis on Asian Small Business in New York City

Small Business, Big Losses: The Impact of the Covid Crisis on Asian Small Business in New York City

Asian American small businesses made up 20 percent of New York City’s businesses before the pandemic and were the fastest-growing segment of small businesses in our city.

The Impact of COVID-19 on Asian American Employment in NYC

The Impact of COVID-19 on Asian American Employment in NYC

The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in a record rate of job loss for Asian New Yorkers, with unemployment benefit applications increasing by more than 6000% from February to June of 2020. At 1.3 million people, Asian Americans are over 16% […]

Hidden in Plain Sight: Asian Poverty in New York City (2018)

Hidden in Plain Sight: Asian Poverty in New York City (2018)

This report quantifies what our member agencies are facing on the ground citywide, a rapidly growing population of poor Asian New Yorkers. This report will focus on New York City, but will also include a glance at upstate regions of […]

Overcoming Challenges to Mental Health Services for Asian New Yorkers (2017)

Overcoming Challenges to Mental Health Services for Asian New Yorkers (2017)

The report calls for further investment in Asian-led and Asian-serving community-based organizations to lead efforts to expand community education programs and engagement around mental health, training for mental health service providers, and expansion of service capacity.

NYC’S Economic Engine: Contributions & Challenges of Asian Small Businesses (2016)

NYC’S Economic Engine: Contributions & Challenges of Asian Small Businesses (2016)

Asian-owned small businesses are an important source of jobs for new immigrants and provide an opportunity to learn skills specific to the American workplace. While this important economic engine is celebrated by leaders and policy makers, there is a seeming […]

Asian American Seniors in New York City: An Updated Snapshot (2016)

Asian American Seniors in New York City: An Updated Snapshot (2016)

This report quantifies the changes occurring in the Asian senior population in New York City and to present a clearer picture of the needs and challenges faced by our seniors. The report is divided into four main sections: demographics, social […]

Analysis of City Government Funding to Social Service Organizations Serving the Asian American Community in New York City (2015)

Analysis of City Government Funding to Social Service Organizations Serving the Asian American Community in New York City (2015)

This analysis studied contracts awarded by the City’s six social service agencies: the Department of Education, Administration for Children’s Services, Human Resources Administration/Department of Social Services, Department for the Aging, Department of Youth and Community Development, and Department of Health […]

Making America Work: Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders in the Workforce and Business (2014)

Making America Work: Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders in the Workforce and Business (2014)

Making America Work examines the contributions Asian Americans bring to the U.S. economy through as workers and business owners and leaders. The goal of the report is to show the diversity of experiences in our communities. The report’s key findings […]

The State of Asian American Children (2014)

The State of Asian American Children (2014)

This first ever report on Asian American children covers demographic changes, ethnicity, age, geography, gender, immigration, adoption, education, health family, languages, economic status, and housing. The goals of this report are to better understand the characteristics and the growth of […]

Asian Americans Of The Empire State: Growing Diversity And Common Needs (2013)

Asian Americans Of The Empire State: Growing Diversity And Common Needs (2013)

This report is a detailed examination of the Asian American communities of our state. The report covers statewide and regional demographic changes. In addition, detailed socioeconomic indicators for New York City, the suburban counties surrounding New York City, and upstate […]

Asian Americans in New York City: A Decade of Dynamic Change 2000-2010 (2012)

Asian Americans in New York City: A Decade of Dynamic Change 2000-2010 (2012)

This report is the first detailed look at Asian New Yorkers based on the data releases from the 2010 Census and the American Community Survey. The report covers changes in demographics from 2000-2010, as well as examine the status of […]

Working But Poor: Asian American Poverty in New York City (2008)

Working But Poor: Asian American Poverty in New York City (2008)

This first detailed analysis of 2006 American Community Survey and Census 2000 data on poor and low-income Asians in the city describes their demographic traits and patterns, many of which reflect differences from the general population in those income categories. […]

Revitalizing Chinatown Businesses: Challenges and Opportunities (2008)

Revitalizing Chinatown Businesses: Challenges and Opportunities (2008)

Based on a survey of more than 300 businesses; interviews with community, business and economic development leaders; and analysis of government data, this report examines Chinatown’s changing business environment, obstacles to improvement, and opportunities for enduring stability and growth. RevitalizingChinatownBusinesses

Rebuilding Lives: The Indian Ocean Tsunami of 2004 (2006)

Rebuilding Lives: The Indian Ocean Tsunami of 2004 (2006)

A Federation sponsored outreach team conducted interviews with individuals from New York’s Thai, Indian, and Indonesian communities. The research showed that many of the affected individuals were in need of relief programs, such as mental health counseling and legal assistance […]

Economic Characteristics Of Asian Americans in the New York Metropolitan Area (2005)

Economic Characteristics Of Asian Americans in the New York Metropolitan Area (2005)

Supported by the the Citigroup Foundation, the C.J. Huang Foundation, and the AT&T Foundation, the Federation’s Census Information Center (CIC) has prepared a Census 2000-based analysis offering unprecedented detail on work-force participation, employment, earnings, income, housing, and occupational and industry […]

Lessons Learned: To Sustain Health Coverage After September 11th In NYC Chinatown (2004)

Lessons Learned: To Sustain Health Coverage After September 11th In NYC Chinatown (2004)

This study examines participation in a temporary health care program for workers in New York City’s Chinatown neighborhood who were affected by the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. The Research Department examined key factors in participants’ decision for enrolling […]

Asian American Elders in NYC: A Study of Health, Social Needs, Quality of Life and Quality of Care (2003)

Asian American Elders in NYC: A Study of Health, Social Needs, Quality of Life and Quality of Care (2003)

This report is a significant component of the Federation’s efforts to focus academic research and public policy formulation on the needs of the Asian American community. Produced in collaboration with the Brookdale Center on Aging of Hunter College, this groundbreaking […]

Asian American Mental Health: A Post September 11th Needs Assessment (2003)

Asian American Mental Health: A Post September 11th Needs Assessment (2003)

Funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, this study is the first comprehensive account of mental health issues among Asian American communities in New York City. Mental health is a critical concern for our community because, as a population, Asian […]

Chinatown One Year After September 11th: An Economic Impact Study Chinatown One Year After September 11th: An Economic Impact Study (2002)

Chinatown One Year After September 11th: An Economic Impact Study Chinatown One Year After September 11th: An Economic Impact Study (2002)

This report follows and incorporates results of the groundbreaking Chinatown After September 11th report, issued in April. The new report draws on numerous sources, including business and worker surveys, loan and grant data, and information from public and private relief […]

Chinatown After September 11th: An Economic Impact Study (2002)

Chinatown After September 11th: An Economic Impact Study (2002)

Drawing upon more than 30 data sources, including relief agencies and several community-based surveys, the study evaluated the extent of business and employment hardship stemming from infrastructure impediments and other factors. The study also examined the degree to which short-term […]


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