Our History
The Federation successfully brought together 4 member agencies and 5 local funders to initiate a Robet Wood Johnson Foundation grant for Project Speak Out. A joint program of the New York Asian Women’s Center with Garden of Hope, Korean American Family Service Center, and Sakhi for South Asian Women, this initiative is the first large scale pan-Asian domestic violence prevention campaign in New York City. We can make a difference in changing attitudes and behaviors toward violence against women and children in our community.
The Federation forms a national partnership with the Asian American Institute, the Asian American Justice Center, the Asian Pacific American Legal Center of Southern California and the Asian Pacific Fund.
The Federation’s Census 2010 Community Engagement Initiatives is launched to ensure a full and accurate count of Asian Americans in the tri-state area an Philadelphia.
The Federation receives $750,000 from a private foundation for Census 2010. The Elderly Women Suicide Prevention & Education Campaign is launched. Census 2010 Community Engagement Initiative is launched to ensure an accurate count of Asian Americans in the Northeast.
The Federation publishes Revitalizing Chinatown Businesses: Challenges and Opportunities. The Federation publishes Working but Poor: Asian American Poverty in New York City.
W.K. Kellogg Foundation awards the Federation the National Leadership in Action Award for its achievements in promoting Asian American philanthropy.
The Federation testifies before the State Assembly Standing Committee on Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities on the high rates of suicide among young and elderly Asian women. This results in funding appropriation by the state legislature in 2007.
The Federation publishes Economic Characteristics of Asian Americans in the New York Metropolitan Area.
The Federation incubates AsiaNextGen.
The Federation publishes Asian American Elders in New York City: A Study of Health, Social Needs, Quality of Life and Quality of Care. Asian American Mental Health: A Post-September 11th Needs Assessment is published. The Federation produces Tribute & Remembrance: Asian Americans after 9/11. The Federation hosts a conference on the quality of life and quality of care of Asian American elders.
Chinatown After September 11th: An Economic Impact Study is published. The Leadership Education for Asian Pacific awards the Federation the Humanitarian Award for exceptional leadership and courage during September 11th crisis. The Federation receives Commendation from Governor Gray Davis of California. WB News, Channel 11 heralds the Federation’s Executive Director, Cao O as an unsung Hero in a public service feature aired during May and June.
The Federation hosts a breakfast with NYC mayoral candidates. Following the 9/11 tragedy, the Federation leads a major September 11th Relief and Rebuilding Initiative and raises over $5 million for relief and recovery services and to support the economic re-building of Chinatown.
The US Census Bureau designates the Federation as a Census Information Center (CIC)- the only one of its kind in the Northeast.
The Federation organizes the Asian American Task Force on Census 2000. 60+ community organizations participate.
The Information and Technology Initiative is launched to provide computer equipment, technical support, and internet services to member agencies.
The Federation co-sponsors a national conference, Bridges with Asia: Asian Americans in the United States with Asia Society and Leadership Education for Asian Pacifics.
Mayor Rudolph Giuliani meets with the Federation and member agencies at City Hall. He later presents the Certificate of Recognition to the Federation in 1995.
The Asian American Task Force on Aging is organized to advocate for services for the growing number of elderly Asian Americans.
The Asian American Community Fund is established. To date, almost $2.5 million has been awarded.
The Federation incubates the Filipino American Human Services, Inc. (FAHSI).
First publication of the Asian American Health and Human Services Directory. New editions published in subsequent years.
Asian American Federation of New York is incubated by United Way of New York City.
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Hanc ergo intuens debet institutum illud quasi signum absolvere. Quoniam, si dis placet, ab Epicuro loqui discimus. Universa enim illorum ratione cum tota vestra confligendum puto.
Hanc ergo intuens debet institutum illud quasi signum absolvere. Quoniam, si dis placet, ab Epicuro loqui discimus. Universa enim illorum ratione cum tota vestra confligendum puto.