September 2021
- Ouest France: New York. À Chinatown, les stigmates toujours visibles du 11-Septembre | September 11, 2021
- Yahoo News: Chinatown residents suffered in silence in decades since 9/11 | September 11, 2021
- Today: On 9/11, Chinatown residents watched the towers fall. Some are still recovering. | September 11, 2021
- NBC News: On 9/11, Chinatown residents watched the towers fall. Some are still recovering. | September 11, 2021
- El Diario AR: Veinte años de Nueva York en Chinatown: de la resurrección tras el 11-S a la crisis de la pandemia | September 10, 2021
- The Guardian: The forgotten neighborhood: how New York’s Chinatown survived 9/11 to face a new crisis | September 5, 2021
- The Mississippi Link: Historic New York Racial Commission Seeks To Revise City Charter | September 1, 2021