June 2023
- Epicenter NYC: Find Your Seoul on Murray Hill’s Korean Delicacies | June 27, 2023
- Vision Times: 亚裔美国人联合会发起韩国美食首选地活动(组图) | June 26, 2023
- Sierra Sun Times: U.S. Senators Kirsten Gillibrand and Jeff Merkley Introduce Legislation to Give Asylum Seekers a Pathway to Safe and Legal Work | June 25, 2023
- Office of Senator Kirsten Gillibrand: Gillibrand, Merkley, Torres Introduce Legislation To Give Asylum Seekers A Pathway To Safe And Legal Work | June 23, 2023
- Korea Daily: 아시안아메리칸연맹, 타민족 커뮤니티 교류 행사 | June 15, 2023
- Gotham Gazette: Our Chance to Increase AAPI Representation in New York City Government | June 14, 2023
- Law 360: How Attorneys Can Help Combat Anti-Asian Hate | June 2, 2023
- The Forum Newsgroup: Meng Introduces Bill to Make Diwali a Federal Law | June 1, 2023
- Morning Express: Latina woman accused of hate crimes for 6 attacks on Asian people in New York | June 1, 2023