August 2023
- CBS News: Search for suspect in possible hate crime assault on F train continues | August 7, 2023
- CBS News: NYPD investigating possible hate crime on F train in Greenwich Village | August 6, 2023
- New York Ilbo: 플러싱 먹자골목은 “한인들의 생활터전” | August 5, 2023
- AM1660 K-Radio: 아시안 아메리칸 연맹(AAF) 공공예술 프로젝트로 한인상권 밀집한 머레이 힐에서 벽화 공개 | August 4, 2023
- QNS: Murray Hill community leaders unveil new mural depicting Korean cultural heritage | August 4, 2023
- TKC TV: 8/3 (목) 센트럴 파크에 난민 신청자 수용 계획 검토 | August 3, 2023
- Korea Times: 열린노래방 건물 벽에 AAF 공공 예술 프로젝트로 추진 한인상권 활성화위해 조성 | August 3, 2023
July 2023
- Brazillian Times: Senador por Massachusetts anuncia apoio a imigrantes e refugiados a superar obstáculos da naturalização | July 31, 2023
- City & State: The 2023 Brooklyn Power 100 | July 31, 2023
- Office of Senator Ed Markey: Sen. Markey, Rep. Meng Announce National Office of New Americans Act to Support Recent Immigrants, Refugees | July 27, 2023