Empowering New York’s Asian American Community Since 1989

Asian American Federation for Release “Asian Americans in New York City: A Decade of Dynamic Change 2000-2010”

New York City: Asian American Federation will be releasing Asian Americans in New York City: A Decade of Dynamic Change 2000-2010, the first comprehensive look at Asian New Yorkers based on the recent data releases from the 2010 Census and the new American Community Survey. The report will cover the changes in demographics from the past decade, as well as examine the status of Asian children and seniors as related to poverty, access to education and health insurance coverage. Other chapters will cover civic engagement rates, income, poverty, and industry and occupations employing Asians and Asian-owned businesses.

The Asian community was the fastest growing major population in New York City, increasing by 30% in the past decade. Asians are now 13.9% of the City’s population. In the same period, the population of Asian children grew by 16%, the only major race and ethnic group to show an increase, while the number of seniors in our community grew by 64%. The report will also show:

New York City is home to the largest Bangladeshi and Pakistani population in the U.S.

Korean children are twice as likely not to have health insurance than all children in New York City.

The poverty rate of Asian seniors increased while other race/ethnic groups declined.

Asian seniors were more than twice as likely to have no health insurance coverage than seniors in other


Japanese have one of the highest rates of seniors living alone, citywide.

While Asians represent 11% of the citizen voting-age population in New York City, Asians were least likely to be

registered to vote.

Despite having the highest income in the Asian community, Filipinos saw a drop in the median household income and an increase in child poverty rate of 4%.

Chinese, Indians and Koreans own 80% of the Asian-owned businesses in our City.

Asian workers had the largest jump in unemployment rates.

Asian-owned businesses contributed $38 billion worth of sales, receipts or value of shipments to the City’s economy.

Who:Asian American Federation
What:Release of “Asian Americans in New York City: A Decade of Dynamic Change 2000-2010” Report
When:Friday, April 20, 2012 at 9 am

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